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Update January 2025
Blog -
Adonis Apollyon
Crossing points
As I have explained, Nibiru does not follow the usual path for ecliptic
orbits. Nibiru moves in very close to the sun, more precisely at the orbit
of planet Jupiter. On the way back from the path above the Ecliptic, one
might expect the star to exit the Solar system at the same Jupiter orbit.
This is not the case with Nibiru, the star curves itself in a very sharp
turn around the sun, then exits the Solar system at the orbit of - Earth!
Nibiru in fact has two different passing points in our Solar system. At
the Jupiter position, many great things have happened in history. This is
the place where our present sun, Astarte, sprung from the older sun; Barbaru,
transforming Barbaru to a pre-Jupiter gas giant. Later in history, planet
Saturn and Venus were born in the same manner, reducing the size of Jupiter to its
present state. The Solar system was never a dull place.
The Earth orbit represent the place for mankind's evolution. As strange as
it may sound, planets found in this place are inter-changeable. It was
always Nibiru who carefully placed out different planets here, depending on
the times, the Age involved. First in this place was the planet 'Ymir' (the
frost giant),
a large planet which later was divided, creating Earth and planet Anu. In
the second age, planet Anu was appointed "earth-planet", later it joined
with star Nibiru. Now, in the third age, we have planet Earth in charge.
The number of the beast
The research of
Burak Eldem cannot be ignored; he claims
the orbit of Nibiru
should be interpreted as a Sumerian sexagesimal number. Thus, we should read
the orbital timeframe of 3600 years according to a “60 based” system. We
then get; 60º (1) + 60¹ (60) + 60² (3600) which adds up to 3661 years! Three
glyphs in cuneiform writing resemble “the number of the beast” (666) that
describes the period of Nibiru's revolution.
There is really no need to distinguish between "long years" (365 days) and
"short years" (360 days) in the aspect of the 3661 year period; it is a
solar year any way you see it. And the 3661 number is a measure of Earth
years, based on our planets orbit around the sun. However, the length of the
year has
many other implications to the daily life; no wonder there are various solar
calendars in stone erected all over the globe.
The Oort Cloud
of Nibiru
There is a difference between the magnetic effect and the
gravitational effect of Nibiru, the magnetic effect is what
causes the Pole shift. When considering the effects of
gravitation, we must also address the solar wind of charged
protons that both Nibiru and the Sun emanate. In the balance
point between the outward directed solar wind and the
gravitational force directed inwards, there is a field of dust,
stones and asteroids referred to as the
“Oort cloud”. The Sun has this hazardous field, but the same
characteristics can surely be applied to Nibiru. |
Click for larger image |
It is my estimation that the Oort cloud of Nibiru precedes the arrival of the star itself
with 63 years, I will soon elaborate on this. The conclusion is that the entire tribulations
of the passage lasts close to 130 years, as it is the time span of Nibiru
Oort cloud from one edge to the other. As the Oort cloud of the star
Nibiru reaches Earth it will trigger an enormous earthquake. During that
time, Earth will also be hit by a number of rocks, ranging from dust
particles up to, in the worst case, large asteroids. This great earthquake
will have severe consequences to the cities of Earth, there will be major
damages to infrastructures. But this is not a doomsday sort of event, which
is important to note. The following Pole shift, on the contrary, will
at times re-write the map of planet Earth; there will be quakes, volcanoes,
tsunamis and possibly a severe deluge.
Establishing timeframes
Is it possible to pinpoint past passages and predicting the ones who are to
come? I believe so, but the difficulties have been tremendous. According to
history scholars there was a devastating earthquake in the years of King
Uzziah of Judah. So severe was the earthquake that it made a profound
impression on prophets such as; Amos 1:2, Zechariah 14:5 and Isaiah 24:19.
The year of the great earthquake (750 BC) was a precursor that the sun
Nibiru once again was about to leave the northern skies and move in below
the ecliptic. Shortly after
that time, the calendars all over the globe was changed to a 365-day year, from
previously 360 days.
Initially, I attempted to establish the incoming and outgoing passage of
Nibiru based on Pole Shift years. This, however, proved to be extremely
difficult since there was no way to determine a specific year when Joshua in
the Old Testament (Joshua 10:12) states: “Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon;
and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.” This episode is clear evidence
that a Pole Shift really occurred but the year it happened remains hidden.
Until when? Time after time I've had to recalculate the timeframe, however,
the correct analysis always seems to elude me. There is now at least some
evidence that the shift to Aries actually took place somewhere close to 1580 BC.
Kepler's Law of Equal Areas
A thing I just recently
realized, is that I have to take the star’s varying speed into
consideration. Nibiru moves faster when approaching our Sun; the general
timeline will differ. This is particularly noticeable when Nibiru arrives
from its longer orbit of 2783 years. The ”milestones” will appear faster in
time, i.e., concerning the large Pole shift and the first transit of the
star. A faint indication of this is a specific star transit in 1600 BC,
which was likely recorded on the ”Nebra Sky Disk”.
But according to my calculations, there would have occurred a previous large
Pole shift some years before, resulting in a massive tsunami. Finding
evidence for this, however, proved to be extremely difficult. Actually,
facts exist about an event around 1610 BC related to tsunamis. This has been
”pinned” to the Thera Santorini eruption, but can we establish the volcano
to be the absolute cause? Just as strong evidence will put the Thera quake
at 1628 BC. Was there then two eruptions? It is quite possible that the 1610
BC event was due to a Pole shift, causing a tsunami!
Cascading events
The passage after the 750 BC quake I now believe occurred around the year
687 BC. We are told from Chinese records, that "stars fell like rain" in
this time, maybe an indication of a major cosmic event. In the year 702 BC,
15 years earlier, we are told in 2 Kings 20:11, that Hezekiah received a
sign from God: “And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought
the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of
Ahaz.” In that time there was a disturbance of the Earth axis and rotation,
even if it wasn’t as severe as in the days of Joshua. Nibiru magnetic
influence halted and reversed the Earth rotation for a brief time. There
seem to be some evidence that this event really occurred around that year.
The year 702 BC in fact represent a 'reduced Pole shift' and the beginning
of the Age of Pisces!
The grand earthquake (the Oort Cloud passing) are believed to come first, the Pole
shift follows,
later the actual passage of the star. Just after the time of the 750 BC earthquake, the Babylonian calendar was changed from 360 to
a 365-day year. The period is also said to represent the beginning of the
7th Baktun of the Mayas. Other sources suggest the city of Rome was founded
around this time and that it was the beginning of the Olympiads in Greece of
2x4 years. How long time lasts between the initial earthquake and the
following Pole shift? Around 702 BC Earth experienced a minor Pole
Shift (the rotational and magnetic properties of Earth and Nibiru were still
in harmony with each other). At the passage of 687 BC, several thousands of
King Sennacherib's massive army died, not from "natural causes" but rather
by 'God's intervention'. A large cloud of Carbon dioxide, related to Nibiru,
might have gathered in a local valley, causing suffocation among the
soldiers, camping outside of the city of Jerusalem.
The approach of Nibiru from below the ecliptic is connected to a similar
earthquake. An event like this is believed to have triggered the devastating
explosion of the Thera volcano at Santorini, around 1628 B.C. This cataclysm
is based on radiocarbon dating and Tree-ring data and thus the margin of
error is quite substancial. Unfortunately, there is no written evidence of
the event. Only an indication of upheaval connected to the ending of an
Egyptian era and the invasion of the Hyksos at this time, solely
circumstancial information. Correlation or not, but
planet Venus made a Solar Transit close to this year. According to
scholar Burak Eldem, the planet Earth also had an extremely severe period around
this time. It was the beginning of several years of tribulation and
upheavals, undoubtedly connected to Moses and the Exodus. There was a strong
earthquake, a “pillar of fire” in the sky, it rained “blood”, an
impenetrable darkness appeared, the seas roared, and huge waves engulfed the
To make a conclusion; three major events
are connected to the approach
of Nibiru. We have a great earthquake and an accompanying calendar change. The
rotational stoppage and a variable Pole Shift follow. Finally, the
actual Passover (Transit) of Nibiru, when the heavenly bodies scorch each
other with tremendous thunderbolt discharges. Considering Kepler's laws; the
estimated time difference between the Earthquake and the Pole Shift would be
approximately 18 years. From the Pole Shift to the Passover of Nibiru, we
count about 10 years. If we take the entire approach into account, from earthquake to
Passover, we get 18 + 10 years, resulting in a total period of 28 years.
This timeframe gives clues as to when the "Long Day of Joshua" might have
taken place. We simply add 28 years to 1628 BC, ending up at 1600 BC! This
calculation refers to the approach from below the ecliptic. The approach
from above will result in 48 + 15 years, 63 years in total.
The return
Let’s recapitulate the orbit of
Nibiru, shown in a simplified way in the
image to the right. The motion
and path of Nibiru resemble the figure eight.
2783 years the dark star moves along an orbit below the ecliptic,
then it rises above the ecliptic, following
a smaller orbit for a period of 878 years.
Then after
descending below the ecliptic again, the star crosses its own
path. Maybe this is why Nibiru attained the Sumerian name;
"Planet of the Crossing" (or more correctly; 'Heavenly star of
the Crossing').
And as a side note;
Jesus Christ might be seen as the human embodiment of the star
Nibiru (and of Anu the planet). Does the crucifixion stand
in compliance with the hazardous crossing of a path filled with
large asteroids, stones and gravel? An interesting thought! |
Is the sun already being influenced by dust and debris associated with the
Nibiru complex? There are some strong indications pointing in that direction. The
sun seems to be reacting to a cloud of 'red iron oxide' emanating from the solar
wind of Nibiru. As a result, the sun gets less active, and the weather on
our planet is immediately affected. Is a deployed 'Sun Simulator'
compensating for this factor? At the same time, infrared waves from Nibiru
makes the climate warmer. The glaciers begin to melt, and the
storms charges up to levels no living man have seen. The rain increases in
some areas and there is drought in other places, the balance of nature is
severely disturbed.
What is to be expected during the upcoming passage? Nibiru has most likely
performed its customary tilting at the Aphelion point and moved back towards
the solar system. It’s approaching us again, magnetic fields reversed; we
might be in for a rough time. Is it within the human capacity to calculate
the arrival of the dark star? Does it not say in Matthew 24:36 that; “of
that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son,
but the Father alone.” The exact day and hour are certainly not predictable,
establishing the year might be, I have certainly tried.
The +1 factor
When calculating time frames, from past to present or from present to past,
one must take into account the fact that there is no year Zero. When adding
certain number of years from somewhere in time before the birth of Christ to
our present age, you should also add +1 year to compensate for the
non-existing year Zero. Thus, when adding 2783 years from 750 BC and
compensating with an extra year, you end up at the year 2034 as the arrival date of the Oort Cloud of
This is my working hypothesis for now, we will see if I get it right
eventually. Trying to pinpoint certain key events around 700 BC has been a
total nightmare, but I would really like to crack the hidden code!
The Mayan
The Mayan cycles, represented by the pyramid steps, is accomplished in less
time by every step. The higher up the human evolution, we have lesser and
lesser time to reach our goals. This "speeding of time" is, from what I
perceive, an effect of the influence of Nibiru gravitational field. Nibiru
has a considerable stronger gravitational field than our sun. Gravitation
affects time, and since Nibiru is getting closer to us, we believe that
evolution is getting faster. No, evolution is constant, we have just entered
a field where we, unconsciously, act slower.
The dreaded Pole Shift is NOT expected to happen until sometime around 2082. But the times leading up to that year can be troublesome enough. Still,
there is no need to despair, anyone with a flexible mind and with a relaxed
view of life will manage and not only survive but have a good life. Don't
focus that much on stocking up food piles, you will only attract thieves.
Stock up on resourcefulness; then you will overcome the situation.
A Conscious Universe
When observing and studying celestial events one may easily assume it to be
“blind forces at play”. However, there are many people who equate Nibiru
with the celestial manifestation of Christ. Even if this object causes
severe chaos on Earth at times we must rely on his good judgement; there is
a cause for everything. It is not beneficial to blame Nibiru or to take
action against it. There are other, not so benign, actors at work who
doesn’t have a kind eye to humankind. Let’s all be humble and abide in faith,
the Lord stands by our side. "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord
God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."
For the full esoteric background of the star Nibiru, also read:
The Star
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