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 Update January 2025



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 Nibiru Blog -
Adonis Apollyon

































Overview of changes made to the text



Updated 2025-01-01


* It’s becoming increasingly hard to find proper historical information. My only source has been the internet but since some time now, relevant data is intentionally obscured by search engines and the likes. Adding to this is a strong cens0rchip, halting any kind of information exchange and collaboration. I will simply have to call it a day and put a lid on my personal research. The last thing I realized is that I have to take "Kepler’s Law of Equal Areas" into consideration. Nibiru moves faster when approaching our Sun; the general timeline will differ. This is particularly noticeable when Nibiru arrives from its longer orbit of 2783 years. The ”milestones” will appear faster in time, i.e., concerning the large Pole shift and the first transit of the star. Why didn’t I take this into consideration much sooner?

Updated 2023-11-21

* Wow! I believe there has finally been a major breakthrough. Merely by accident, I stumbeled on a connection between the year 1580 BC and the transition into the age of Aries. Later, there was a weak but substantial link between the year 702 BC and the beginning of the age of Pisces. The Precession of the Equinoxes is partly ruled by instantaneous Pole shifts, partly by the close approach of Nibiru from above the Ecliptic! The Zodiac does NOT move progressively and not in equal periods. The Zodiac alters between 878 and 2783 years respectively. This is why the Precession of the Equinoxes has never made any sense, time-wise. Hopefully, this has been solved now! Furthermore, since the Zodiac changes two times per orbit, the 'Great year' is now corrected to six orbits in total, adding up to 21,966 years.


Updated 2023-01-12


* This is crazy, but a major re-arangement has been necessary. There simply was no support for a Bronze Age Quake around 1640 BC. This leaves me back at 1628 BC for the time of the great quake. And amazingly, now there are suddenly a lot of evidence supporting this date! Not only for an Earth Quake but also for a major tsunami creating havoc. The timeline for the Nibiru orbit under the ecliptic is now set to 2783 years and the length over the ecliptic 878 years.


Updated 2022-01-02


* Unfortunately, there are no major events available to establish the timing of the Bronze Age Earthquake. As for today, the closest event is the Thera Santorini eruption of 1640 BC. This was a severe event but you cannot automatically equate this to the arrival of the Nibiru Oort cloud. Another indication is that an Egyptian era ended this very year, and was followed by the invasion of the Hyksos. The Nibiru orbit under the ecliptic is now set to 2771 years and the orbit above the ecliptic vill subsequently be 890 years, equating to the total orbit of 3661 years.


Updated 2021-01-16


* Wow, I might actually be the worst forecaster in the modern era, concerning the arrival of Nibiru anyway. But I refuse to be discouraged due to this. Predicting the arrival of this star is truly a hazardous event. The Bronze Age Earthquake has been adjusted to 1641 BC. The Nibiru orbit under the ecliptic now stands as 2770 years and the orbit above the ecliptic is estimated to 891 years.


Updated 2020-01-09


* Once again minor chages made to the timing of events. The year 750 BC still stands but the Bronze Age Eartquake
  is now corrected to the year 1642 BC. The orbital period of Nibiru under the ecliptic is now 2769 years and the orbit
  above the ecliptic are estimated to be 892 years. The star is now referred to as 'Nibiru' and the inhabited planet, 'Anu'.


Updated 2019-01-01

* There are more opinions than ever on when the Amos Earthquake happened, but I’m sticking to the year 750 BC. The Bronze Age Earthquake, however, I now estimate to have occurred at 1643 BC. This will correct the orbital periods of Nibiru/Nemesis to 2768 years under the ecliptic and 893 years above. In spite of what we experience (the Sun simulator) the Sun are believed to have greatly reduced its luminosity, under the influence of Nibiru.


Updated 2018-01-03

* Another slightly modified timing of Nemesis orbits under and above the ecliptic. The values are now 2767 versus 894 years. We seem to have a new clue in the matter; the Bronze Age Earthquake of 1644 B.C.Nemesis planets are getting visible, we must be very close to the expected great earthquake!

Updated 2017-08-26

* Further studies on key historical events around 700 BC has again influenced the predicted orbital paths of Nemesis. We are now at 2766 versus 895 years under and above the ecliptic. And, Nemesis is most likely a pulsar!


Updated 2017-01-09

* I have modified the timing of Nemesis orbits under and above the ecliptic. The values are now 2763 versus 898 years.


Updated 2016-06-30

* A small correction about the confusing magnetic and rotational properties of Nemesis. Hope I got it right this time!


Updated 2016-06-15

* My "pentagonal orbits" has been abandoned. The reason I stuck to it was the notion about the "five ages of the Mayan culture". Having twelve orbits connected to the Precession of the Equinoxes is however backed up with more solid evidence. The actual shifting to a new age I now believe happens when Nemesis swings by Earth orbit.


Updated 2016-01-04

* Have you seen it before; new updates! The orbital loops of Nemesis has been corrected once more to 899 versus 2672 years. The key date of 747 BC (amazingly) still stands, the Pole Shift year was adjusted to 700 BC and the year of passover to 685 BC. In the present model, the great Earthquake in Moses time occured 1646 BC.

Updated 2015-01-18

* Several changes in the text, again! The orbital loops of Nemesis has been slightly corrected to 900 versus 2671 years. The major phases in the approach of Nemesis are now considered to be three; Earthquake, Pole Shift and passover, in that order. The key dates of 747, 701 and 686 BC has been carefully adjusted.


Updated 2014-01-06

* A new update was written about what to expect in the year 2014. Several changes has been made in the text concerning the timeframe of Nemesis. Lousy prediction making? Yes, certainly! But believe me when I say I'm not in to doom and gloom. I am only trying to establish the correct timeframes of Nemesis loops, that's all.

Updated 2013-01-24

* An additional comment was written dealing with the Mayan "End date", analyzing events beyond 2012.

Updated 2012-09-13

* The link to Burak Eldems article was restored. My advice is not to get hung up on the Mayan end date of 2012. Things are heating up but we do not know the exact timing of things to come. Abide in good faith!

Updated 2012-01-02

* I keep making very embarrassing mistakes. This time, it was not calculating for the fact that there is no Year zero. This pushes the arrival of the Nemesis Oort Cloud to 2012 instead of 2011 and places the year of the arrival of the star Nemesis to 2048. I still believe I'm on to something, please bear with me! Added the parts "The +1 factor" and "The Mayan short count".

Updated 2011-08-11

* Believe me, I am aware that I've made a lot of mistakes when researching this topic. The last was believing the calendar shift occurred the year 701 BC, the information now clearly points to the year 713 BC. This will place the upcoming Pole Shift, not to the year 2059, but much sooner, at 2047. A very precise match in time has also been established concerning the Santorini Volcano (1614 BC), the pieces are truly coming together!

Updated 2010-11-11

* A lot more material has been added throughout the entire article. Among other things, it is about the star Nemesis as the heavier body compared to our sun, the "ten horns" (orbits) of Nemesis, the shift of the ecliptic plane by 30 degrees (not 36) and the slowing of time in the gravitational presence of Nemesis.

Updated 2008-02-01

* A new part about the “Oort cloud” of Nemesis was added.

Updated 2006-08-08

* The research of Burak Eldem seems to be “right on the spot” in all major aspects, a link to his article has been added.

Updated 2006-07-07

* The arrival of Nemesis based on “Pole Shift years” turned out to be very difficult if not impossible. The prediction now rests upon two major earthquakes and a correction of the Nemesis period of revolution.

Updated 2006-05-29

* This update is about establishing a timeframe on the arrival of Nemesis. It seems possible to calculate the year of the passage based on certain major events in history.

Updated 2005-06-10

* The update is about the tilting point. I previously thought the tilting occurred at the Hyperborea point. Now I believe this happens at Aphelion, and that major Pole Shifts only occur when Nemesis approaches from below the ecliptic.


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