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January 2025
Blog -
Adonis Apollyon
Origin of "The Beast" of Nibiru
There are rumors and testimonies about a tiny companion of the approaching
sun Nibiru. This follower is believed to be closely attached to Nibiru
solar body. The size of the companion are little in comparison with Nibiru
but the mass might be considerable. A short testimony about the existence of
this object can be found in the Kolbrin Bible. We read; "There, riding on a
great black rolling cloud came the Destroyer, newly released from the
confines of the sky vaults, and she raged about the Heavens, for it was her
day of judgment. The beast with her opened its mouth and belched
forth fire and hot stones and a vile smoke." The witness of the event at
this time, clearly speaks about a smaller heavenly companion who takes part
in the calamity that follows.
In the image to the left, Nibiru is drawn as the large reddish object, the
smaller portraying "The Beast". The relative sizes of the objects are of
course just an estimation. An intense force field, maybe magnetic, makes
debris 'float in thin air' between the two. But do we know anything about
where The Beast is from and how it came to join Nibiru? Perhaps so. In
order to find clues, though, we must dig deep into the history of the solar
system, starting with the ancient creation myth; 'Enuma Elish'. |
Going down history lane
In reading Enuma Elish, we are introduced to the God Marduk, who battles
Tiamat, a Goddess of great evil. The battle ends with Marduk dividing Tiamat
in two halves; one creating planet Earth, the other creating Heaven (planet
Anu). However, I believe this tale is echoing an even older event; a
facedown not with planets, but with suns. In this pre-historic era, a giant
yellow sun ruled with absolute power. Marduk (Nibiru) is present already,
though merely as a companion star of the heavier sun. Formerly luminous
Osiris, Nibiru has collapsed to a dark neutron star, due to a long period of
losing energy to the yellow monster sun, which was later called UR-BAR-RA
In the community of solar system members, complaints had arisen against
UR-BAR-RA wreaking havoc with outbursts and erratic behavior. The destiny
and the calling falls upon Nibiru to be the avenger slaying the monster,
restoring cosmic order. And so it is; Nibiru moves in close to the UR-BAR-RA
solar body. UR-BAR-RA is over confident and expects a swift victory, however
she underestimates the enormous density of Nibiru. There isn't even a
collision between the two stars, Nibiru passes nearby and, almost gently,
tears UR-BAR-RA apart. The battle is over, from UR-BAR-RA three parts
remains; Astarte (our sun) a pre-Jupiter body and a small (divided) core.

The core of
The pre-Jupiter member was a heavier version of our present Jupiter gas
giant. In passages to come, Nibiru drew out not only planet Saturn but also
planet Venus from pre-Jupiter. The myth about Venus being born from the
"head of Zeus", in this aspect, really makes sense. Going back to the
initial battle, the core parts of UR-BAR-RA probably stayed in orbit around pre-Jupiter for some time. In one of the later passages,
Nibiru attracts the larger core into an orbit around itself. We can assume the core
parts of UR-BAR-RA
to consist of dense iron atoms, possibly even to a degree that atoms have
collapsed into neutrons, forming something like a "Mini Neutron Star".
What is the identities of the core parts? We know that it must be stand-alone
beings, just like the sun Astarte was born when the older sun was divided.
And that they just like Jupiter still might be considered sun entities, even though the
luminosity is gone. Just speculations, but the core parts probably has less status
than a full blown planet or sun. Beings on Earth mirrors the ones in heaven,
or vice versa. And so the core might represent a cosmic animal, an actual
Beast like a dog or perhaps a horse. Or in a mineral aspect, the larger core may
represent 'Mjolnir', the hammer of Thor. In any case, the companion of
Nibiru appears to be a very powerful resource, one that should not be taken
lightly. The lesser core, however, is believed to be an 'evil force'.
While the larger core is considered a 'Soul aspect' of Astarte, our Sun, the
lesser core has a Soul connection to Jupiter. And since Jupiter always was a
vicious force, the core of this former great Star corresponds to the very
essence of calamity; the core of evil! What ever became of that tiny core in
the wake of the great division event? By conjecture, the portion or fragment
stayed in close proximity of the main Jupiter body. This fragment just might
be equivalent to 'Amalthea', a small moon in the inner layers of Jupiters
many hundreds of satellites. This moon has a reddish tint to it and appears
to have been captured as an object not native to the Jupiter landscape. In
the division event, the core of UR-BAR-RA was streched out to an oblong
shape. The stress to the core made it crack at one of its ends. These parts
continued onward as separate individuals.
The twins - Ancient partners
Independent researchers
following the incoming Nibiru system have reported on a specific phenomenon
in the host of heavenly bodies. Among the major seven accompanying bodies of
Nibiru, there appears to be a closely connected pair of glowing "stars".
These two seem to have a luminosity of their own. Evidence is mounting they
are actually red dwarf stars, growing in brightness in the vicinity of our
sun. Actually, this is a reasonable conclusion, since Nibiru itself is a
heavy neutron star. |
In the ancient depicting of Ahura Mazda, two mysterious "wheels" are seen
below the divine craft. I interpret this to be a symbolic rendering of the
two partner stars of Nibiru. Since they are described as twins, they are
obviously gravitationally connected, moving in a loop around each
other. The twins are likely a heritage from the sun
of our solar system before our present sun. UR-BAR-RA carried these twin
dwarfs with her but Nibiru later captured a substantial part of her host. |
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