The Star Epos 

Part II






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 Part IV






























Verse 8: Nemesis strikes back


Nemesis was to obtain restitution for his sudden decline and death. This however does not unfold until many long ages have past. It is uncertain how long the star Nemesis prepares for battle. But finally, in one of the numerous passages above and below the Ecliptic, Nemesis appears, ready to face Barbaru, his enemy. This time the orbits of Nemesis and Barbaru coincides and a confrontation is un-avoidable. Nemesis enters from below the Solar Ecliptic in the shape of a conqueror and by his side stands Zoroaster, the companion. Now many things happen all at once; Barbaru gathers her army, the ten planets and the Standard Bearer Kingu. Barbaru prepares to completely engulf Nemesis but she underestimates the enormous density of the star. Nemesis captures Barbaru in his "net" of binding gravity and hurls a massive lightning bolt, an electrical discharge at her, forcing her to halt in her assault. The battle culminates as Nemesis passes quite close to Barbaru. The extreme density of the star Nemesis causes Barbaru to literally split in two parts.


This proves fatal to Barbaru who at once loses her former glory, she fades to a less luminous state and becomes a larger version of Jupiter, the gas giant only a few still associates with a bright star. A new sun, Astarte, is born that day and the previously so powerful Barbaru are reduced to a more compliant, though enormous celestial object. The event makes the planetary host of Barbaru to completely lose their way, their orbits are stirred, chaos erupts. Six of the planets are captured by Nemesis who seizes them as his own. Mercury joins with the Sun Astarte. Four of the inner planets stays on as Barbaru's main satellites. The fearsome Barbaru is slain, only a modest Sun body was left as a reminder of this once significant star. The dense core of Barbaru broke loose as a result and Nemesis later captured it. The gas giant Kingu loses his independent orbit this day and instead establishes an orbit in the location where we today find the planet Saturn. The heavenly battle is over, the beautiful but somewhat impulsive Astarte became our present Sun, a tremendous darkness had lifted at last.


Nemesis battle with Barbaru was a paradigm shift of great dignity. From having been a subordinate sun, Nemesis now ascends to the status of being the heaviest and leading factor in the Solar System. Therefore, it is more appropriate to determine that the Solar System of Astarte orbits the Nemesis System, than the other way around. The focus has further more shifted from the sun Barbaru to the sun Astarte, and our Solar System from this point established a different rule, more based on love, dance and culture, rather than order, work and discipline. Though the sun Astarte was a young star, she arrived from dimensions of high and had a hard time settling in and adjusting to this heavy material world. Sprung as she was from an already established Solar Body, she also inherited an extremely problematic karma, belonging to the Sun Barbaru. Astarte always searched in vain for her own "residence" but in the end found herself living together with an "older lady". The influence of Barbaru would prove to be a never ending source of complications in her life.



Verse 9: The twin planets


Let's move back to Zoroaster, the gas giant that emerged as a "spinoff" when star Centa divided into Centauri A and Osiris. Zoroaster has been lingering all along as a satellite of Osiris. But at some point, when Osiris (now in the form of Nemesis) passes close to Barbaru in his orbit, Zoroaster strays from its orbit and is captured by Barbaru. It is likely that it takes position between present-day Jupiter and the planet Mars (which has not yet emerged). Zoroaster stays in this location for several ages until Nemesis once again appears in its neighborhood. This close encounter causes Zoroaster to literally split in two, by the strong gravitational force of Nemesis alone, there is no collision.


The end result are two lesser gas giants; Neptune and the predecessor of the planet Uranus to be; "Ura". They both settle in the outskirts of the Solar System. Neptune takes the outermost position, Ura takes the orbit just inside of Neptune. At this time, they have not yet captured any moons. From the division-energy an androgynous and very large planet take shape, it will later be known as "Tiamat" and "Ymir". This planet stays for a considerable amount of time in an orbit around Nemesis. Later still, it will play a major role in the creation of two new planets. The event when Zoroaster split would then repeat itself, though in a slightly smaller dimension.



Verse 10: Kingu meets with his destiny


For a while, the gas giants Kingu and Ura share the same orbit; Kingu in a near circular orbit, Ura in a more eccentric ellipse. Now history repeats itself, this time it is Ura that collides with the gas giant Kingu. The outcome is that Ura ejects a smaller but more dense planet and transforms to Uranus, and the smaller planet we know today as Triton. Initially Triton establish itself in an orbit around Uranus but after a longer time period it is pulled out of its orbit and leaves its original host planet. Triton is immediately captured by Neptune who adopts the newcomer as its own moon. Later on, Triton has to face the same destiny as his father Uranus; Triton runs into a heavenly body and ejects a mini-planet, by conjecture, it is "Sedna". This insignificant mini-planet are assigned with an eccentric orbit, sometimes in the very proximity of the Neptune orbit, sometimes far out in deep space.


The giant Kingu are reduced to planet "Maldek"; the rings of Saturn are possibly the remnants from this dramatic event. The newly formed Maldek gets displaced into another orbit, right where the asteroid belt are located today. It could very well be that the planet also are bestowed the capacity of harboring life in a human form, mythology tell that "the blood" of Kingu was used to create the first civilization. It is not clear, however, weather the people developed and rose from the very fauna of the planet, they could have been a colony arriving from the Draco Solar System. They are most likely not even humans in the common sense but rather a reptilian race with human attributes. They are strong, limber and "cat-like". They are not evil at all, as we are led to believe, but intelligent and versatile. In conjectural, they are from the very beginning a moving, space-travelling species.


The conscious soul-aspect of Kingu was transferred as a result of the collision, moving to the smaller and more dense planet Maldek. A latent, resting remnant of Kingu was left behind though, in shape of the volume wise large moon Titan. Initially, Titan moves along as a moon of Uranus. Later on, the moon will be handed over to the still substantial predecessor of Barbaru, the gas giant we may give the independent name "Baru", as to signify her new and lower status. But let's keep addressing her by her old name, it might simplify the comprehension of the story. The destiny of Titan is not to stay with Barbaru for very long. Some spectacular events leads to the point where Titan changes whereabouts and finally settles with his new mother, the gas giant Saturn.






Verse 11: The Age of Sun Astarte


Coming out of the great battle against Nemesis, Barbaru was heavily impaired but nevertheless kept her destructive influence on the members of the Solar System. This condition would last yet some time though the older Solar System was about to transform into something altogether new. The creation of the sun Astarte from the hull and essence of Barbaru leads in to a time of chaos and turmoil. The reduced Barbaru violently circles her opponents solar body, the rest of the heavenly host struggles to restore their stable orbits, now with star Astarte as the reference point. This is a critical phase, there is no telling what will unfold.


As for Astarte, she cannot find her balance. She is a hairsbreadth from crushing a planet in her rampage though the collision never takes place. After some time, Barbaru draws near again and now they come to blows with flashes and "thunder". During this encounter, Astarte lightly touches the surface of Barbaru and carries along a large part of her gaseous body and corona. The "gas monster" is thus silenced once again and the order of the Solar System is restored; Barbaru was put to rest. In the old days, however, the Sumerians knew her with this very title; "Barbaru", the shining one. She had ruled the Solar System hard and brutally but in the end, she was defeated. The voracious and strenuous wolf (Barbaru) was dethroned by the magnificent and vigorous lion (Astarte), a new age had come.


In one of the two focal points of our Solar System, the beautiful star we know today as our own yellow sun was established. A new order of events was a reality though the planets had not fully settled in the locations they hold today. Suns and planets are far from having the stable nature as science would like to claim, they change and develop, often quite dramatic. Science is only in its infancy when it comes to the matters of astrophysical processes, it is for instance a well known fact today that the fusion takes place in the outer layers of a star, not in the nucleolus at all. It could well be that smaller suns, who according to the prevailing laws of science does not have the adequate mass, for shorter periods still ejects visible light. A sun should be viewed upon more as an electronic tube with a positive anode, drawing negative electrons from the environment, and where light are produced in the boundary layers of positive and negative charges.



Verse 12: Saturn emerges


The huge facedown of Nemesis and Barbaru would come to repeat itself, this time on a lesser scale. After several eons, when Nemesis once again comes in close to Barbaru, there is a new confrontation between the heavenly bodies. The fierce gravity force of Nemesis rips out a considerable portion from the hull of Barbaru. A new star is not created this time, howbeit an enormous gas planet emerges, the one we know today as Saturn. Barbaru, once again reduced in size and strength, has now established a form that is very close to our present day Jupiter. From the division-energy a new planet comes forth, an incarnation of Barbaru, who initially establishes an orbit around the star Nemesis, there the planet awaits its destiny.


A remarkable characteristic with great heavenly gods (such as Astarte and Barbaru) is that they rarely are satisfied acting within their present level of existence. They often aim at much higher goals and does not hesitate "descending in the material world". The larger structure then enters a latent state (a kind of coma) after which it proceeds with activities in a lesser form. When Astarte thus ascertains she cannot achieve more on the solar level, she takes shape in a lesser existence, in this case as Saturn. Now she was to meet her old adversary, a destiny she neither wanted, nor could escape. Their paths of life was and is entwined, deep down they held each other in high regard but the rivalry always became predominant.



Verse 13: Saturn wages war


It must have been a spectacular view and a source of tremendous dismay among the population when the giant Saturn emerged in the Solar System. Exactly what path the gas giant entered is hard to determine but relatively soon it  launches a point-blank attack at Jupiter, who at that time is more massive than today. You can sense a massive interchange of electrical discharges took place between the giants. For the people living at that time, it must have been a violent and turbulent era. By the time this transpired, the "Sons of God" most likely lived on planet Maldek, who had the position outside of planet Mars present orbit. The event surely made an impact in myths and legends, a well known "star" had suddenly lost significantly in visibility.


The struggle between Saturn and Jupiter might have gone on for years. Finally, Saturn choose a path just next to Jupiter, even to lightly touch her surface. This challenge was more than Jupiter could bare, her powers were devastated, her light emitting capacity had come to a final end. A considerable portion from the gas clouds of Jupiter were drawn over to Saturn. The battle was over, Jupiter was reduced to a quite manageable gas planet but it kept its four "moons", the former planets. Saturn eventually established a stable orbit just outside of Jupiter and inside of Uranus of today. Perhaps the battle between Saturn and Jupiter was planned by a higher order of events, perhaps the clash was merely an unforeseen occasion, it is hard to tell which. Never the less; the episode was to be repeated in the dimension of lesser planets, but that is another story.



Verse 14: Mars - The Water Planet


Barbaru/Jupiter can no longer pursue her quest in the Gas-planet dimension. She transcends to another strategy, gaining influence in the planetary dimension. Planet Maldek has already established itself into an orbit just inside her own Jupiter orbit. The destiny of Maldek is to be her spouse and the planet gives life to the first population of "human beings" living in the older Solar System. Though it is not ordinary humans living there but probably a developed race of reptiles, forceful and intelligent, with an origin in the constellation Draco. Barbaru now needs to embody herself in the lesser planetary dimension. In order to accomplish this she incarnates in the heavenly body which is the planetary aspect of her essence.


The name of her planetary embodiment is Mars, the warrior planet; situated just inside of Maldek it takes on a strategic position. The planet soon will be known as a watery body, large oceans and marches provides its suitable epithets; Mares, Ares, Mars. The stable orbit of today it did not have at that time. Mars are born out of Jupiter and arrives to the inner Solar System as a raging comet, whose eccentric orbit only slowly transforms to a circular and controlled orbit. The planet are eventually provided with ideal conditions for harboring human life and in an era much later it will serve as an important base for the Sons of God. Now Mars is defined as the official spouse of Maldek; a stormy marriage and Maldek surely received several unkind an harsh wounds in the process.



Verse 15: The Golden Age


The old Scandinavian mythology sometimes talk about the huge androgynous giant "Ymir". Although "Tiamat" is the established name for this planet, that after the splitting of Zoroaster becomes the new companion of the star Nemesis. Tiamat does have continents as well as large oceans, from her rich fauna "primitive hominids" appear, in mythology called "Rimtursar". They just might be identical with the Neanderthal man, a persevering line of people that handled cold climates extremely well. The "rimturse" people were consequently called the "frost giants". It is not however the fate of Tiamat having a calm, untouched and independent existence. Plans are being formed in a higher realm and Tiamat will in an unsuspected way play the leading part. All of this though, will take place much later, in another time. Initially, Tiamat is the planet of the "Asa Gods", the abode of the Ancients.


For a long period, planet Ymir/Tiamat followed Nemesis by his side but at some point, during the many passages subsequent to the battle against Barbaru, things would change. A character trade for the orbit of Nemesis is the rising above the ecliptic at the position of Jupiter and the return point at an altogether different position; inside the orbit of planet Mars. It is at an occasion like this that Tiamat takes on the challenge of leaving the former sun and entering the same orbit as that of our present planet Earth. The Neanderthals on Tiamat all the sudden had to adapt to a radically different star. During the era of the sun Nemesis the climate was cool, not to say cold, which suited the Neanderthal people well. However, in the presence of the sun Astarte, the temperature rose very rapidly and the people probably adapted to the new situation by moving closer to the polar regions. Though they were dependent on the roaming of the wild beasts and had to follow in their tracks.


The epoch of Tiamat as the first planet in "Earth orbit" lasts for an extremely long period of time seen from a human perspective. It is most probably a highly spiritualized and insightful era. The Asa Gods live in elevated prosperity and have all their wisdom and rich traditions from the Sirius era. The wealth of technology hardly know any limits and there is peace and joy. Already at this point, there are likely close contacts with the somewhat different people at planet Maldek. This era should rightly be called the "Golden Age"; there were no people as we know them today, life was simple and easy to live. Though even happy times comes to an end and there were finally time for another order. The development entered a more critical phase and Tiamat was about to be transformed.


Continue to part III


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